Client Testimonials

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~ Spiro

Again, thank you for everything, you are truly the best.

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~ Vimal

Hi Tristan Wow, firstly such lovely service, loved howyou spoke to me, made me feel appreciated. Keep up the great service, I enjoy working with your whole team very efficient. Followed up so quickly and a good quote as well

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~ Debbie

Great experience working with you.

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~ Alison

Thank you for your kindness as always. Tristan and Grace have been so diligent in sending the necessary claim form which I have completed. Grace has already registered the claim and awaits the NetAssess quote, so your team is superb.

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~ Masixole

You are always amazing, thank you for that!

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~ Craig and Karien

Thank you for the professional and efficient way in which you have dealt with the changeover at Irene Link. Karien and I really appreciate your assistance and look forward to dealing with you in the future.

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You are a rock star, thank you!

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~ Kerina

The timelines we gave you were ridiculous and put you in a difficult position. THANK YOU so very much for coming through for us and being so helpful. We really appreciate it and we’re really grateful to have such supportive partners!

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~ Thato

Thank you so much for your assistance and I greatly appreciate your promptness and professionalism.

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~ Mariel

Brilliant - thank you so much for working so quickly and diligently on this. We appreciate you.

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~ Adrian

I have been an owner in several complexes for many years, but this is only the 2nd geyser claim that I have personally ever made. I would like to compliment everyone involved, yourself, Lorraine from 1.618 Insurance Brokers, and the Maxprop financial team for a very smooth and efficient process, well done!

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~ Thibedi

I would like to take this moment to express my deepest and sincere gratitude to you guys. The prompt accelerations, attention to detail, support, level of professionalism, and work ethic from the entire office is so amazing. Though I am not fully recovered from my encounter, my heart is filled with peace because of you.